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Disease relevance of Saccades

  • In SCA1, saccade amplitude was significantly increased, resulting in hypermetria [1].
  • This short latency is similar to that of a corrective saccade, and suggests that edrophonium induces macrosaccadic oscillations through a non-visually guided reflex saccade by temporarily unmasking the adaptively increased saccadic gain to overcome myasthenic ocular paresis [2].
  • In 32 with the typical clinical features of HD (progressive chorea and dementia, postural instability, abnormal initiation of saccadic eye movements), the diagnosis was confirmed in 7 patients who had had autopsies, affected relatives were found in 5 others, and HD remained probable in a further 13 who were reexamined [3].
  • To test this possibility memory-contingent and visually-guided saccades were measured in patients with essential blepharospasm and cranial dystonia [4].
  • Clinical revaluation and genetic analysis of six Indian pedigrees, segregating autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, slow saccades and peripheral neuropathy, has been undertaken, and expansion at the spinocerebellar ataxia 2 (SCA2) locus was confirmed in 14 affected family members [5].

Psychiatry related information on Saccades


High impact information on Saccades

  • In one such model, the presence of a target causes a signal in a decision unit to rise linearly at a rate r from its initial value s0 until it reaches a fixed threshold theta, when a saccade is initiated [11].
  • Using fluorescein angiography, we show here that during every saccade, the pecten acts as an agitator which propels perfusate towards the central retina much more effectively than is observed during intersaccadic intervals [12].
  • A hypofunctioning mesocortical dopamine branch will cause attention response deficiencies (deficient orienting responses, impaired saccadic eye movements, and poorer attention responses toward a target) and poor behavioral planning (poor executive functions) [13].
  • Saccadic eye movements produced midline blood-flow increases in the posterior vermis of the cerebellum [14].
  • Saccade velocity thus is a sensitive, quite specific, and objective endophenotype, useful to search polyglutamine modifier genes [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Saccades


Biological context of Saccades


Anatomical context of Saccades


Associations of Saccades with chemical compounds

  • We measured the amplitudes and velocities of centrifugal saccades at the start of the task, after 3 minutes of the task (fatigue) and 1 minute after receiving IV edrophonium [30].
  • Inactivation of the OT with lidocaine reduced the size but did not eliminate (or change the direction of) the saccades evoked by AGF stimulation [31].
  • RESULTS: Ketamine significantly increased the number of leading saccades and increased the leading saccade ratios for more slowly moving targets [32].
  • Effects of intravenous temazepam. I. Saccadic eye movements and electroencephalogram after fast and slow infusion to pseudo steady state [33].
  • There were no effects of nicotine on visually guided and memory saccades, or visual attention (d' from a continuous performance task).CONCLUSIONS: Nicotine showed differential effects in schizophrenic patients compared to healthy subjects [34].

Gene context of Saccades


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Saccades


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