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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
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Disease relevance of Primates


Psychiatry related information on Primates

  • Differential expression of amyloid precursor protein mRNAs in cases of Alzheimer's disease and in aged nonhuman primates [6].
  • This expression of cortical NGF receptors was compared with that seen in other neurological diseases and normal human development as well as in young and aged nonhuman primates [7].
  • Thus in primates, the SCN could assure sleep-wake cycle consolidation by actively promoting or facilitating wakefulness [8].
  • We showed recently that chronic administration of the mitochondrial inhibitor 3-nitropropionic acid (3NP) in primates produces various dyskinetic movements and dystonic postures associated with selective striatal lesions displaying many similarities with the pathological features of Huntington's disease (HD) [9].
  • The purpose of this investigation was to examine the relationships among CSF 5-HIAA concentration, history of aggressive behavior, and cerebral glucose metabolism in a group of nonhuman primates whose CSF 5-HIAA had been sampled several times over the preceding 2 years and whose social behavior had been observed since birth [10].

High impact information on Primates

  • The genes encoding KIR that recognize classical MHC molecules have diversified rapidly in human and primates; this contrasts with conservation of immunoglobulin- and lectin-like receptors for nonclassical MHC molecules [11].
  • In primates, oxytocin and its receptor and PGF2alpha and its receptor have been identified in the corpus luteum and/or ovary [12].
  • In primates, uterine prostaglandin production may reflect a vestigial mechanism that has been retained during evolution from an earlier dependence on uterine prostaglandin production for luteolysis [12].
  • However, it remains to be established whether the intraovarian process of luteolysis is mediated by arachidonic acid and/or its metabolite PGF2alpha and whether the central oxytocin pulse generator identified in nonprimate species plays a mediatory role during luteolysis in primates [12].
  • Episodic evolution of pyrin in primates: human mutations recapitulate ancestral amino acid states [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Primates


Biological context of Primates


Anatomical context of Primates


Associations of Primates with chemical compounds

  • We attribute our success to experience with heart-lung transplantation in primates, to the use of cyclosporin A, and to the anatomic and physiologic advantages of combined heart-lung replacement [27].
  • Methamphetamine is a drug that is significantly abused worldwide, Although long-lasting depletion of dopamine and other dopamine nerve terminal markers has been reported in striatum of nonhuman primates receiving very high doses of the psychostimulant, no information is available for humans [28].
  • Placental conversion of androgen to estrogen results in increased maternal plasma estrogen concentration at term in both pregnant nonhuman primates and women [29].
  • Although gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is believed to mediate the hypothalamic control of pituitary gonadotropin secretion, continuous or repeated administration of GnRH or its agonist analogues has been shown to cause paradoxical antifertility effects in several species, including primates [30].
  • Neither gonadal steroid hormones nor the absence of facilitatory neuronal inputs to LHRH neurons is responsible for the low levels of LHRH release before the onset of puberty in primates [31].

Gene context of Primates

  • We have recently demonstrated that humanized anti-CD40L (hu5C8) prevents rejection of mismatched renal allografts in primates [32].
  • We conclude that anergic T cells generated ex vivo by blocking CD28/B7 costimulation can suppress renal allograft rejection after adoptive transfer in nonhuman primates [33].
  • Antibodies against CD14 protect primates from endotoxin-induced shock [34].
  • We show that the Hox-4.5/Hox-4.4 intergenic region can be broadly subdivided into three domains based on DNA conservation between rodents and primates [35].
  • These findings militate against the hypothesis that the absence of APOE type 3 allele predisposes to neurofibrillary tangle formation and support the value of aged primates for exploring mechanisms of amyloid processing and the role of apoE [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Primates


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