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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Platelet-derived growth factor elicits cyclic AMP accumulation in Swiss 3T3 cells: role of prostaglandin production.

Partially purified porcine PDGF or purified human PDGF in the presence of phosphodiesterase inhibitors caused marked accumulation of cAMP in Swiss 3T3 cells. The responses were time- and dose-dependent; half-maximal effect was obtained at 0.6 nM PDGF. Indomethacin prevented the increase of cAMP levels in a dose-dependent manner; half-maximal effect was obtained at about 10 nM. Addition of PDGF increased (at least 25-fold) the production of E-type prostaglandins; PGE reached a concentration in the medium of 26 ng/ml 1 hr after treatment with human PDGF. This concentration of PGE produced a similar level of cAMP to that found with PDGF, suggesting that the PDGF-induced increase in cAMP is mediated by E-type prostaglandins released in the culture medium. Increased cAMP levels promoted by PDGF acting through stimulation of E-type prostaglandin synthesis may contribute to signal the initiation of cell proliferation in 3T3 cells.[1]


  1. Platelet-derived growth factor elicits cyclic AMP accumulation in Swiss 3T3 cells: role of prostaglandin production. Rozengurt, E., Stroobant, P., Waterfield, M.D., Deuel, T.F., Keehan, M. Cell (1983) [Pubmed]
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