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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Evidence for the identity and some comparative properties of alpha-ketoglutarate and 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase activity.

Enzyme preparations of pig heart and Escherichia coli are shown to catalyze a NAD+- and CoASH-dependent oxidation of 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate. Several independent lines of evidence support the conclusion that this hydroxyketo acid is a substrate for the well known alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex of the citric acid cycle. The evidence includes (a) a constant ratio of specific activity values for the two substrates through several steps of purification, (b) identical elution profiles from a calcium phosphate gel-cellulose column and a constant ratio of specific activity toward the two substrates throughout the activity peak, (c) identical inactivation curves in controlled heat denaturation studies, (d) the same pH activity curves, (e) no effect on the oxidation of either keto acid by repeated freezing and thawing of dehydrogenase preparations, and (f) the same activity pattern when the E. coli complex is distributed into several fractions by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Additionally, the same cofactors are required for maximal activity and glyoxylate inhibits the oxidation of either substrate noncompetitively. Ferricyanide-linked oxidation of 2-keto-4-hydroxyglutarate yields malate as the product and a 1:2:1 stoichiometric relationship is obtained between the amount of hydroxyketo acid oxidized, ferricyanide reduced, and malate formed.[1]


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