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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

On the mechanism by which dopamine inhibits prolactin release in the anterior pituitary.

An in vitro perfusion system was used to assess the effects of chloride channel blockers, dopamine (DA) receptor agonists and antagonists, and GABA receptor agonists and antagonists on prolactin release from the mouse anterior pituitary. Dopamine and muscimol inhibited prolactin release (IC50 = 6 X 10(-8)M and 10(-5)M respectively). The GABA receptor antagonist bicuculline blocked the inhibition of prolactin release by muscimol but not dopamine. The dopamine receptor antagonist chlorpromazine blocked the dopamine- but not muscimol-induced inhibition of prolactin release. Haloperidol, however, reversed both the muscimol and dopamine induced inhibition of prolactin release. Furthermore, the chloride channel blocker picrotoxinin blocked the inhibition of prolactin release elicited by both dopamine and muscimol. These later results suggest that the anterior pituitary dopamine receptor which mediates the inhibition of prolactin release may be coupled to a picrotoxinin sensitive chloride ionophore and that haloperidol may affect the function of both DA and GABA receptors in the anterior pituitary.[1]


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