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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Influence of an anti-angiogenic treatment on 9L gliosarcoma: oxygenation and response to cytotoxic therapy.

Tissue oxygen tensions were measured in subcutaneously growing rat 9L gliosarcoma under normal air and carbogen breathing conditions prior to and after i.v. administration of a perflubron emulsion. When these animals were treated with the anti-angiogenic agents TNP-470 and minocycline for 5 days prior to oxygen measurement, tumor hypoxia was decreased compared with untreated tumors. Hypoxia, defined as the percent of pO2 readings < or = 5 mm Hg, was decreased from 71% in untreated air-breathing controls to 34% in animals treated with the anti-angiogenic agents, the perflubron emulsion and carbogen breathing. These effects were manifest in the increased response of the tumor to single-dose (10, 20 and 30 Gy) radiation therapy. Twenty-four hours after treatment with BCNU oxygenation of the tumors was not altered; however, 24 hr after administration of adriamycin oxygenation of the tumors was increased such that hypoxia in adriamycin-treated tumors in animals receiving the perflubron emulsion and carbogen was reduced to 21%. Tumor growth delay in the s.c. tumors was increased by the addition of treatment with the anti-angiogenic agents from day 4 through day 18 post-tumor cell implantation along with BCNU or adriamycin on days 7-11. Administration of the perflubron emulsion and carbogen breathing resulted in increased tumor growth delay with the chemotherapeutic agents alone and in combination with the anti-angiogenic agents. Life span in animals bearing intracranially implanted 9L gliosarcoma progressively increased with administration of the anti-angiogenic agents and then the anti-angiogenic agents and perflubron emulsion/carbogen compared to treatment with BCNU or adriamycin.[1]


  1. Influence of an anti-angiogenic treatment on 9L gliosarcoma: oxygenation and response to cytotoxic therapy. Teicher, B.A., Holden, S.A., Ara, G., Dupuis, N.P., Liu, F., Yuan, J., Ikebe, M., Kakeji, Y. Int. J. Cancer (1995) [Pubmed]
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