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Chemical Compound Review

Carbogen     carbon dioxide; molecular oxygen

Synonyms: UN1014, LS-186705, AC1L1XL2, 8063-77-2, Carbon dioxide, mixt. with oxygen
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Disease relevance of UN1014

  • Both the nitroimidazole drugs and hyperthermia produced additional tumor growth delays and tumor cell cytotoxicity when given with Fluosol-DA/carbogen, either before or after irradiation [1].
  • Thus the enhancement in antitumor activity produced by the addition of Fluosol-DA and carbogen breathing to etoposide treatment was not accompanied by a concomitant increase in normal tissue toxicity and represents an increase in the therapeutic efficacy of etoposide [2].
  • Modification of photodynamic therapy-induced hypoxia by fluosol-DA (20%) and carbogen breathing in mice [3].
  • In vivo studies exhibited excellent correlation between carbogen-induced changes in SO(2) and pO(2) of radiation-induced fibrosarcoma tumors measured by reflectance spectroscopy and the Eppendorf pO(2) histograph, respectively [4].
  • Tumor biopsies were obtained from patients with head and neck carcinomas that were potential candidates for a Phase II trial with accelerated radiotherapy combined with carbogen and nicotinamide (ARCON) [5].

Psychiatry related information on UN1014


High impact information on UN1014

  • Fluosol-DA and carbogen breathing did not increase the toxicity of etoposide to the bone marrow [2].
  • 3. With the use of both single-dose and multiple-dose protocols for etoposide and Fluosol-DA with air or carbogen breathing, the survival of bone marrow cells was measured by colony formation in vitro (granulocyte-monocyte colony-forming units) [2].
  • We conclude that carbogen breathing can increase tumor uptake of 5FU by two independent mechanisms involving changes in tumor blood flow and pH, which consequently cause increased formation of 5-fluoronucleotides and cytotoxicity [7].
  • We propose that carbogen may transiently open nonfunctional blood vessels in the tumor, allowing increased leakage of 5FU from the plasma into the extracellular space [7].
  • On breathing carbogen, patients pretreated with nicotinamide showed an increase in tumor perfusion of 17% at 5 min and 22% at 10 min, compared with only 0% and 1% in the control group [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of UN1014

  • Modulation of alkylating agents by etanidazole and Fluosol-DA/carbogen in the FSaIIC fibrosarcoma and EMT6 mammary carcinoma [9].
  • We have examined the effects of a wide range of levels of Therox, a perfluorochemical emulsion containing bis-perfluorobutyl ethylene (F44E) with carbogen breathing on the tumor growth delay of the Lewis lung carcinoma produced by single dose radiation and fractionated radiation [10].
  • CONCLUSION: Nicotinamide and carbogen administration can increase 5-FU delivery to colorectal cancer liver metastases [11].
  • Hypoxia, defined as the percent of pO2 readings < or = 5 mm Hg, was decreased from 71% in untreated air-breathing controls to 34% in animals treated with the anti-angiogenic agents, the perflubron emulsion and carbogen breathing [12].
  • METHODS AND MATERIALS: Previously we have shown that a double bioreductive hypoxic marker assay could be used to detect changes of tumor hypoxia in relation to the tumor vasculature after carbogen and hydralazine treatments [13].

Biological context of UN1014


Anatomical context of UN1014


Associations of UN1014 with other chemical compounds

  • The administration of a perfluorochemical emulsion and carbogen (95% O2, 5% CO2) breathing before photodynamic therapy (PDT) was studied to determine how increased levels of tumor oxygenation may affect PDT-induced tumor destruction [3].
  • We determined FSaII tumor regrowth delay after isosorbide dinitrate administration and irradiation compared to carbogen breathing before irradiation and with X-rays alone [22].
  • METHODS: Retinal oxygenation (DeltaPO2) was measured by MRI before (room air [ra]) and during a 4-minute carbogen inhalation challenge in five groups: control Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Lewis (LEW) rats, 3- to 4-month diabetic SD and LEW rats, and 4-month diabetic LEW rats preventatively treated with a chow LPA admix (400 mg/kg per chow) [23].
  • Retinal oxygenation (DeltaPo(2)), an established early surrogate marker of drug treatment efficacy, was measured by MRI during a 2-minute carbogen inhalation challenge in four groups: control rats (n = 7), control rats treated with bosentan (n = 7), 3-month diabetic rats (n = 9), and 3-month diabetic rats treated with bosentan (n = 5) [24].
  • Hypoxic radiosensitizers in radical radiotherapy for patients with bladder carcinoma: hyperbaric oxygen, misonidazole, and accelerated radiotherapy, carbogen and nicotinamide [25].

Gene context of UN1014

  • At P26 and P34, in 50/10 rats that no longer had NV, retinal deltaPO(2)s during carbogen breathing were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that of age-matched control pups [26].
  • Retinal DeltaPO(2) during carbogen breathing was also measured in PKCbeta knockout (C57BL6-Prkcb1; [KO]), 4 month C57BL/6J diabetic (D), and 4-month diabetic PKCbeta KO (D+KO) mice [27].
  • Carbogen breathing for 5 min increased the SCK tumor pO2 to 17.1 +/- 1.4 mm Hg [28].
  • In 12 out of 17 patients studied there was a significant increase in median tumour p02 during the first 10 min of carbogen breathing (range 9 to 1800%) [29].
  • Hyperfractionated chemoradiation with carbogen breathing, with or without erythropoietin: a stepwise developed treatment schedule for advanced head-and-neck cancer [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of UN1014


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  4. Treatment-induced changes in tumor oxygenation predict photodynamic therapy outcome. Wang, H.W., Putt, M.E., Emanuele, M.J., Shin, D.B., Glatstein, E., Yodh, A.G., Busch, T.M. Cancer Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
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  6. Management of a severe forceful breather with Rett Syndrome using carbogen. Smeets, E.E., Julu, P.O., van Waardenburg, D., Engerstr??m, I.W., Hansen, S., Apartopoulos, F., Curfs, L.M., Schrander-Stumpel, C.T. Brain Dev. (2006) [Pubmed]
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