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Peyronie's-like plaque after penile injection of prostaglandin E1.

Intracavernous injection of vasoactive medication may cause fibrosis of the tunica albuginea or corpus cavernosum. These adverse effects have been clearly linked to papaverine and phentolamine but to our knowledge the development of fibrosis or a Peyronie's-like plaque after the injection of prostaglandin E1 has not been previously described. We report a case of intracavernous hematoma, penile curvature deformity and Peyronie's-like plaque that developed after initiating intracorporeal self-injection of prostaglandin E1 for erectile dysfunction.[1]


  1. Peyronie's-like plaque after penile injection of prostaglandin E1. Chen, J., Godschalk, M., Katz, P.G., Mulligan, T. J. Urol. (1994) [Pubmed]
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