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Chemical Compound Review

Regitine     3-[4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2- ylmethyl-(4...

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Disease relevance of phentolamine


Psychiatry related information on phentolamine


High impact information on phentolamine


Chemical compound and disease context of phentolamine


Biological context of phentolamine


Anatomical context of phentolamine


Associations of phentolamine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of phentolamine

  • Neither tetrodotoxin (TTX) nor phentolamine affected responses to either NPY or PYY on the jejunum [36].
  • While the pressor response to ET-1 was significantly inhibited after i.v. injection of phentolamine, the bradycardia was blocked by pentolinium [37].
  • Contractions to SRIF were not antagonised by the putative SRIF receptor blocker cyclo(7-aminoheptanoyl-Phe-D Trp-Lys-Thr[Bzl]) (CPP), phentolamine, or indomethacin [38].
  • GHRH alone and combined with i.v. infusion of phentolamine (PHEN), alpha 1/alpha 2-antagonist, (0.5 mg/min from -60 to +30 min); 5 [39].
  • However, in contrast to RG20, [3H] rauwolscine exhibits a KD of 2 nM for the C-10 receptor, and the potency order for competing ligands is rauwolscine greater than or equal to yohimbine greater than idazoxan greater than phentolamine greater than prazosin [40].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phentolamine


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