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Cerespan     1-[(3,4- dimethoxyphenyl)methyl]- 6,7...

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Psychiatry related information on PAPAVERINE HYDROCHLORIDE

  • When illicit heroin was abused, additionally to further general markers (COD, C6G) specific markers for non-prescription heroin abuse (AC, NOS, PAP) were found [2].

High impact information on PAPAVERINE HYDROCHLORIDE

  • The capacity of the coronary system to increase blood flow in response to acetylcholine expressed as relative proportion of the maximal papaverin response was 52.5 +/- 18.2% in the normal control patients but only 33.6 +/- 23.6% in the CAD patients (p less than 0.025 versus normals) [3].
  • However, after inhibition of smooth muscle tone (using 10(-4) M papaverin), a significant change in flow resistance was observed in a RBC suspension with a 97% increase of ESR [4].
  • IL-1 alpha and TNF induced rapid dose-dependent inhibition of stomach motility, with maximal relaxation equal to that induced by 100 microM papaverin, and respective EC50s of 20 and 450 pg/ml [5].
  • Antiepileptic actions of the organic calcium antagonists flunarizine (cinnarizine derivate) and verapamil (papaverin derivat) on pentylenetetrazol-induced epileptic bioelectric activity were tested in CA3 neurones of hippocampal slices [6].
  • In these in vitro experiments the papaverin derivative verapamil depressed, and finally abolished, epileptic discharges in all cases [7].


  • Infusion of papaverin (5 x 10(-5) M) following an identical protocol caused a similar vasodilation as SIN-IC, but did not reduce infarct size in five additional dox experiments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[8]
  • 172 patients with impotence symptoms were investigated by SBBBV-test, orthostatic blood pressure, Doppler examination of the superficial and deep penile arteries, penile-brachial index, visual sexual stimulation, papaverin test, and measurement of bulbocavernous reflex latency time [9].



Associations of PAPAVERINE HYDROCHLORIDE with other chemical compounds



  • We have studied the effect of a hypotensive dose of atrial natriuretic peptide (n = 16), 8-Br-cGMP (n = 5), and papaverin (n = 7) on plasma ET-1 in anesthetized dogs [17].
  • Visual sexual stimulation and papaverin test correlated well with each other, and so did papaverin test and PBI in cases of arterial insufficiency [9].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PAPAVERINE HYDROCHLORIDE

  • When vasospasm is present, papaverin infusion or angioplasty may be used by the endovascular approach as well [18].
  • It was demonstrated that the increase of basal blood flow through left pancreatic segments, induced by intra-arterial injection of papaverin, remained unchanged during 6 months after duct-obliteration [19].


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