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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Overexpression of hexokinase I but not GLUT1 glucose transporter alters concentration dependence of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cell line MIN6.

The recently established pancreatic beta-cell line MIN6 retains the ability to secrete insulin in response to physiological glucose concentrations. To investigate the role of glucose transport and phosphorylation in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by beta-cells, MIN6 cells were stably transfected with a rabbit GLUT1 glucose transporter cDNA or a rat hexokinase I cDNA cloned in an expression vector. Overexpression of GLUT1 increased 3-O-methylglucose uptake, but did not alter either glucose utilization or glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In contrast, clones overexpressing hexokinase I exhibited enhanced glucose-stimulated insulin secretion at glucose concentrations below 10 mM with a concomitant increase in glucose utilization. Maximal insulin secretion as well as the maximal rate of glucose utilization were not altered in these clones. Insulin secretion stimulated by 2-ketoisocaproate, a non-glucose secretagogue, was not affected by hexokinase I expression. These results strongly suggest that the glucose phosphorylating step, but not glucose transport step, regulates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion by modulating the glycolytic rate in the beta-cell.[1]


  1. Overexpression of hexokinase I but not GLUT1 glucose transporter alters concentration dependence of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cell line MIN6. Ishihara, H., Asano, T., Tsukuda, K., Katagiri, H., Inukai, K., Anai, M., Kikuchi, M., Yazaki, Y., Miyazaki, J., Oka, Y. J. Biol. Chem. (1994) [Pubmed]
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