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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Sequence analysis of two chromosomally mediated inducible beta-lactamases from Aeromonas sobria, strain 163a, one a class D penicillinase, the other an AmpC cephalosporinase.

Two beta-lactamase genes from Aeromonas sobria, strain 163a, have been cloned and sequenced, one encoding a typical class C cephalosporinase, designated CepS, the other a class D penicillinase, designated AmpS. CepS is predicted to be a mature protein of 38 kDa with a pI value of 7. 0. The amino acid sequence of CepS is most similar to that of AmpC from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (54.7%). AmpS is predicted to be a mature protein of 27 kDa with a pI value of 7.9 that mostly closely resembles BLAD from Klebsiella pneumoniae (42.2%), and OXA-1 from Escherichia coli (36.6%), beta-lactamases that are encoded by genes carried on multiresistant transposons. AmpS differs significantly from the other class D beta-lactamases in that it hydrolyses cloxacillin poorly and is inducible. Both genes exhibit a high overall GC content and possess a high NNC and NNG codon preference, similar to that of genes from Pseudomonas spp.[1]


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