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Disease relevance of Aeromonas


High impact information on Aeromonas

  • To determine whether the prevention of fever affects the survival of an animal infected with pathogenic bacteria, lizards (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) were infected with live Aeromonas hydrophila and received varying doses of sodium salicylate, an antipyretic drug [6].
  • Analysis of an Aeromonas salmonicida A layer-deficient/O polysaccharide-deficient mutant carrying a Tn5 insertion in the structural gene for A protein (vapA) showed that the abcA gene immediately downstream of vapA had been interrupted by the endogenous insertion sequence element ISAS1 [7].
  • The catalytic role of glutamate 151 in the leucine aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica [8].
  • The monomer has a typical clan MH fold, as found for example in Aeromonas proteolytica aminopeptidase, containing a dinuclear zinc active center [9].
  • The mechanism of AAP, an aminopeptidase from Aeromonas proteolytica, is one of the best-characterized examples of a metallopeptidase containing a co-catalytic metallo-active site, although this enzyme is not a specific pharmaceutical target at this time [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Aeromonas

  • Isolation of the leucine aminopeptidase gene from Aeromonas proteolytica. Evidence for an enzyme precursor [11].
  • Bestatin reversibly inhibits Aeromonas aminopeptidase (EC in a process that is remarkable for its unusual degree of time dependence [12].
  • Site-directed mutagenesis of a single tryptophan near the middle of the channel-forming toxin aerolysin inhibits its transfer across the outer membrane of Aeromonas salmonicida [13].
  • The (R)-specific enoyl coenzyme A hydratase ((R)-hydratase) from Aeromonas caviae catalyzes the addition of a water molecule to trans-2-enoyl coenzyme A (CoA), with a chain-length of 4-6 carbons, to produce the corresponding (R)-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA [14].
  • Photochemical inactivation of Aeromonas aminopeptidase by 2,3-butanedione [15].

Biological context of Aeromonas


Anatomical context of Aeromonas


Gene context of Aeromonas

  • Expression of Aeromonas caviae bla genes in Escherichia coli [25].
  • Cloning and characterization of the Aeromonas caviae recA gene and construction of an A. caviae recA mutant [26].
  • We have isolated the gene encoding L-allo-threonine aldolase (L-allo-TA) from Aeromonas jandaei DK-39, a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that stereospecifically catalyzes the interconversion of L-allo-threonine and glycine [27].
  • The concentrations of cells detected by CPRINS-FISH targeting of the rpoD genes of Aeromonas sobria and A. hydrophila in the water samples varied between 2.1 x 10(3) and 9.0 x 10(3) cells ml(-1) and between undetectable and 5.1 x 10(2) cells ml(-1), respectively [28].
  • Cloning, sequence and regulation of expression of the lexA gene of Aeromonas hydrophila [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Aeromonas


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