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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Sequence and organization of genes encoding enzymes involved in pyruvate metabolism in Mycoplasma capricolum.

The region of the genome of Mycoplasma capricolum upstream of the portion encompassing the genes for Enzymes I and IIAglc of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) was cloned and sequenced. Examination of the sequence revealed open reading frames corresponding to numerous genes involved with the oxidation of pyruvate. The deduced gene organization is naox (encoding NADH oxidase)-lplA (encoding lipoate-protein ligase)-odpA (encoding pyruvate dehydrogenase EI alpha)-odpB (encoding pyruvate dehydrogenase EI beta)-odp2(encoding pyruvate dehydrogenase EII)-dldH (encoding dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase)-pta (encoding phosphotransacetylase)-ack (encoding acetate kinase)-orfA (an unknown open reading frame)-kdtB-ptsI-crr. Analysis of the DNA sequence suggests that the naox and lplA genes are part of a single operon, odpA and odpB constitute an additional operon, odp2 and dldH a third operon, and pta and ack an additional transcription unit. Phylogenetic analyses of the protein products of the odpA and odpB genes indicate that they are most similar to the corresponding proteins from Mycoplasma genitalium, Acholeplasma laidlawii, and Gram-positive organisms. The product of the odp2 gene contains a single lipoyl domain, as is the case with the corresponding proteins from M. genitalium and numerous other organisms. An evolutionary tree places the M. capricolum odp2 gene product in close relationship to the corresponding proteins from A. laidlawii and M.genitalium. The dldH gene encodes an unusual form of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase that contains an aminoterminal extension corresponding to a lipoyl domain, a property shared by the corresponding proteins from Alcaligenes eutrophus and Clostridium magnum. Aside from that feature, the protein is related phylogenetically to the corresponding proteins from A. laidlawii and M. genitalium. The phosphotransacetylase from M. capricolum is related most closely to the corresponding protein from M. genitalium and is distinguished easily from the enzymes from Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae by the absence of the characteristic amino-terminal extension. The acetate kinase from M. capricolum is related evolutionarily to the homologous enzyme from M. genitalium. Map position comparisons of genes encoding proteins involved with pyruvate metabolism show that, whereas all the genes are clustered in M. capricolum, they are scattered in M. genitalium.[1]


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