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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Polycaprolactone/glass bioabsorbable implant in a rabbit humerus fracture model.

Research in improved materials and methods for internal fixation has centered on internal fixators made of bioabsorbable materials such as polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid, and polyparadioxanone. These materials have two problems: the first is a postoperative complication related to a delayed inflammatory response; and the second is low strength characteristics. An alternative material developed to alleviate these problems is a composite of phosphate glass fibers embedded in the polymer polycaprolactone, referred to as PCL. In this study, intramedullary pins made of PCL were compared to stainless steel pins in a rabbit humerus osteotomy model. Specimens were harvested at 0, 6, and 12 weeks postoperatively, radiographs and mechanical testing to failure were performed at each time interval, and tissue was examined microscopically at 6 and 12 weeks. Histologic results showed PCL pins to be well tolerated with minimal inflammation around the pin. Mechanical testing revealed the PCL fixation to be weaker initially than the stainless steel fixation. There was significant stress shielding of stainless-steel-healed rabbit humeri when compared to the PCL/bone humeri. All osteotomies immobilized with PCL healed with abundant periosteal callus production.[1]


  1. Polycaprolactone/glass bioabsorbable implant in a rabbit humerus fracture model. Lowry, K.J., Hamson, K.R., Bear, L., Peng, Y.B., Calaluce, R., Evans, M.L., Anglen, J.O., Allen, W.C. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
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