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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Genomic sequence of physalis mottle virus and its evolutionary relationship with other tymoviruses.

The genome of physalis mottle tymovirus (PhMV) is 6673 nucleotides long and is rich in cytosine residues (40.58%) like other tymoviruses. The organization of the genes is also similar to that of five other tymoviruses whose sequences are known. However, PhMV has the longest 3' noncoding region as well as the longest replicase ( RP) ORF. The RP sequences are similar to those of other tymoviruses (48-60% identity) whereas the coat proteins (CP) and the overlapping proteins ( OP) are conserved to a lesser extent (30-50% and 26-34% respectively). A tetra peptide "GILG" was found to be present in all the tymoviral OPs. The PhMV RP also possesses the methyl transferase, polymerase and the helicase motifs found in all the Sindbis-like super group of plant viruses. A phylogenetic analysis of the six tymoviral sequences revealed that they do not have a rigid hierarchical similarity relationship.[1]


  1. Genomic sequence of physalis mottle virus and its evolutionary relationship with other tymoviruses. Ranjith-Kumar, C.T., Gopinath, K., Jacob, A.N., Srividhya, V., Elango, P., Savithri, H.S. Arch. Virol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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