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Medical reduction of stone risk in a network of treatment centers compared to a research clinic.

PURPOSE: We determined whether a network of 7 comprehensive kidney stone treatment centers supported by specialized stone management software and laboratory resources could achieve reductions in urine supersaturation comparable to those in a single research clinic devoted to metabolic stone prevention. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Supersaturation values for calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate and uric acid in 24-hour urine samples were calculated from a set of kidney stone risk factor measurements made at a central laboratory site for the network and research laboratory for the clinic. Individual results and group outcomes were presented to each center in time sequential table graphics. The decrease in supersaturation with treatment was compared in the network and clinic using analysis of variance. RESULTS: Supersaturation was effectively reduced in the network and clinic, and the reduction was proportional to the initial supersaturation value and increase in urine volume. The clinic achieved a greater supersaturation reduction, higher fraction of patient followup and greater increase in urine volume but the treatment effects in the network were, nevertheless, substantial and significant. CONCLUSIONS: Given proper software and laboratory support, a network of treatment centers can rival but not quite match results in a dedicated metabolic stone research and prevention clinic. Therefore, large scale stone prevention in a network system appears feasible and effective.[1]


  1. Medical reduction of stone risk in a network of treatment centers compared to a research clinic. Lingeman, J., Mardis, H., Kahnoski, R., Goldfarb, D.S., Lacy, S., Grasso, M., Scheinman, S.J., Parks, J.H., Asplin, J.R., Coe, F.L. J. Urol. (1998) [Pubmed]
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