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traP  -  signal transduction protein

Staphylococcus aureus RF122

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Disease relevance of traP


High impact information on traP


Chemical compound and disease context of traP


Biological context of traP


Anatomical context of traP


Associations of traP with chemical compounds

  • These data suggest that anti-kappa R-(33-52) 1) does not interact with the effector binding site of the receptor, but sterically interferes with U50,488H binding to the receptor; and/or 2) the antiserum interacts with a secondary binding site that is important for ligand binding, but may not be involved in signal transduction [21].
  • Despite this anomaly, the B cells from group II were able to progress through the cell cycle after stimulation with a combination of phorbol ester and ionomycin in complete medium, suggesting an impairment in BCR and CD40 early signal transduction [22].
  • These observations suggest that the cell wall stress stimulon is induced by inhibition of the process of peptidoglycan biosynthesis, and the inhibitory effects of glycerol monolaurate indicate that gene expression is dependent on a signal transduction pathway [23].
  • An inhibitor of protein tyrosine kinase, genistein, reduced MAC-T internalization of S. aureus by 95%, indicating a requirement for a host signal transduction system in this process [24].
  • Signal transduction studies with different inhibitors suggest that this one-way synergism is caused by an interaction between the cAMP and the PIP2 signaling pathway [25].

Other interactions of traP

  • This study demonstrates the role of sarA as a signal transduction regulatory component in response to aeration stimuli and suggests that sarA functions as a major repressor of protease activity [26].
  • The P2 operon sequence, reported here, contains 4 open reading frames, agrA, C, D, and B, of which A and C appear to encode proteins of a classical 2-component signal transduction pathway [27].
  • Furthermore, SarA plays a role in signal transduction in response to microaerobic growth since levels of hla were much lower in a microaerobic environment than after aerobic growth in the sarA mutant [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of traP


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