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Chemical Compound Review

AG-E-31807     prop-2-enylsilane

Synonyms: AC1L3GRC, CTK0I0841, 18191-59-8, Prop-2-enylsilane
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High impact information on allylsilane

  • During investigations of cyclization reactions between chiral allylsilanes and N-acyliminium ions, it was discovered that a suitably positioned benzyloxy group on the allylsilane component caused a reversal in the diastereoselectivity of these reactions relative to that normally observed with alkyl-substituted allylsilanes [1].
  • It was then possible to convert acetal 28 to allylsilane 32 followed by cyclization to the alkaloid tricyclic core 33 via an allylsilane/N-sulfonyliminium ion cyclization [2].
  • cis-2-Methyl-6-substituted piperidin-3-ol alkaloids of the Cassia and Prosopis species are readily prepared by a combination of an aza-Achmatowicz oxidative rearrangement and dihydropyridone reduction followed by a stereoselective allylsilane addition to a N-sulfonyliminium ion [3].
  • Methyl and silyl mesolytic dissociations in the radical cations and radical anions of but-1-ene, allylsilane, hexa-1,3-diene, and penta-2,4-dienylsilane. CAS-MCSCF and coupled cluster theoretical study [4].
  • In the main routes to fragments A and C, the relative stereochemistry was controlled by highly stereoselective enolate methylations 67-->67, 68-->69, and 135-->136, in each case anti to an adjacent silyl group, and by a highly stereoselective hydroboration of an allylsilane 137-->138, also anti to the silyl group [5].


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