Chemical Compound Review:
MOLI000771 ethanoate
This record was replaced with 450349.
- Identification of a novel blocker of I kappa B alpha kinase that enhances cellular apoptosis and inhibits cellular invasion through suppression of NF-kappa B-regulated gene products. Ichikawa, H., Takada, Y., Murakami, A., Aggarwal, B.B. J. Immunol. (2005)
- A clinical trial of 7 alpha-methyl-19-nortestosterone implants for possible use as a long-acting contraceptive for men. von Eckardstein, S., Noe, G., Brache, V., Nieschlag, E., Croxatto, H., Alvarez, F., Moo-Young, A., Sivin, I., Kumar, N., Small, M., Sundaram, K. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (2003)
- Synergistic suppression of superoxide and nitric oxide generation from inflammatory cells by combined food factors. Murakami, A., Takahashi, D., Koshimizu, K., Ohigashi, H. Mutat. Res. (2003)