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Gene Review

UL24  -  nuclear protein UL24

Bovine herpesvirus 1

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Disease relevance of UL24


High impact information on UL24

  • We substituted the proteins encoded by the BHV-1 homologs of the UL26 and UL26.5 open reading frames, expressed in baculovirus, for the corresponding HSV-1 proteins in an in vitro HSV-1 capsid assembly system [2].
  • To investigate the role of this gene in virus replication, a BHV-1 UL25 deletion mutant was constructed [3].
  • The BHV1 UL24-like ORF is contained within a 5.2-kb RNA transcript initiating within the tk ORF and is the largest in a group of four 3'-coterminal transcripts [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of UL24

  • Two approaches were used to monitor the infection of APC by BHV-1 as follows: (i) detection of viral glycoproteins at the cell surface by immunofluorescence staining and (ii) detection of UL26 transcripts by reverse transcription-PCR [4].


  1. Characterization of the bovine herpesvirus 1 homolog of the herpes simplex virus 1 UL24 open reading frame. Whitbeck, J.C., Lawrence, W.C., Bello, L.J. Virology (1994) [Pubmed]
  2. The bovine herpesvirus 1 maturational proteinase and scaffold proteins can substitute for the homologous herpes simplex virus type 1 proteins in the formation of hybrid type B capsids. Haanes, E.J., Thomsen, D.R., Martin, S., Homa, F.L., Lowery, D.E. J. Virol. (1995) [Pubmed]
  3. Implication of the product of the bovine herpesvirus type 1 UL25 gene in capsid assembly. Desloges, N., Simard, C. J. Gen. Virol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. Susceptibility of bovine antigen-presenting cells to infection by bovine herpesvirus 1 and in vitro presentation to T cells: two independent events. Renjifo, X., Letellier, C., Keil, G.M., Ismaili, J., Vanderplasschen, A., Michel, P., Godfroid, J., Walravens, K., Charlier, G., Pastoret, P.P., Urbain, J., Denis, M., Moser, M., Kerkhofs, P. J. Virol. (1999) [Pubmed]
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