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Gene Review

mex-1  -  Protein MEX-1

Caenorhabditis elegans

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High impact information on mex-1

  • In pie-1 mutants one additional posterior blastomere adopts an MS-like fate, and in mex-1 mutants four additional anterior blastomeres adopt an MS-like fate [1].
  • Genetic and molecular analyses of several genes, including six par genes and the mex-1 and mes-1 genes, together with experimental embryological studies, have provided insights into mechanisms controlling polarity and spindle orientations during these cleavages [2].
  • Mutations in the maternally expressed gene mex-1 disrupt the segregation of P granules, prevent the formation of germ cells, and cause inappropriate patterns of somatic cell differentiation [3].
  • Here, a detailed cell lineage analysis of 9 mex-1 mutants reveals that the fates of all somatic founder cells are affected by mutations in this gene [4].

Anatomical context of mex-1


  1. The pie-1 and mex-1 genes and maternal control of blastomere identity in early C. elegans embryos. Mello, C.C., Draper, B.W., Krause, M., Weintraub, H., Priess, J.R. Cell (1992) [Pubmed]
  2. Molecular genetics of asymmetric cleavage in the early Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Guo, S., Kemphues, K.J. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. The C. elegans MEX-1 protein is present in germline blastomeres and is a P granule component. Guedes, S., Priess, J.R. Development (1997) [Pubmed]
  4. mex-1 and the general partitioning of cell fate in the early C. elegans embryo. Schnabel, R., Weigner, C., Hutter, H., Feichtinger, R., Schnabel, H. Mech. Dev. (1996) [Pubmed]
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