Gene Review:
Rela - v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene...
Mus musculus
Nfkb3, Nuclear factor NF-kappa-B p65 subunit, Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 3, Transcription factor p65, p65, ...
- Pathogenic Escherichia coli increase Cl- secretion from intestinal epithelia by upregulating galanin-1 receptor expression. Hecht, G., Marrero, J.A., Danilkovich, A., Matkowskyj, K.A., Savkovic, S.D., Koutsouris, A., Benya, R.V. J. Clin. Invest. (1999)
- Listeria monocytogenes infection enhances transcription factor NF-kappa B in P388D1 macrophage-like cells. Hauf, N., Goebel, W., Serfling, E., Kuhn, M. Infect. Immun. (1994)
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- Genomic structure and chromosome location of the mouse RelA p65 gene (Rela). Lemmer, E.R., Welch, J.L., Tsai, T., Keck-Waggoner, C.L., Huh, C., Zimonjic, D.B., Popescu, N.C., Thorgeirsson, S.S. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (2000)
- NF kappa B activation in mouse pituitary: comparison of response to interleukin-1 beta and lipopolysaccharide. Parnet, P., Pousset, F., Laye, S. J. Neuroendocrinol. (2003)