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Gene Review

cdc17  -  ATP-dependent DNA ligase Cdc17

Schizosaccharomyces pombe 972h-

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High impact information on cdc17

  • It is also required for viability when the cdc17 (DNA ligase) or wee1 proteins are inactivated [1].
  • Thus, these S. pombe replicative DNA polymerases, like that of S. pombe cdc17+ gene, are expressed throughout the cell cycle at the transcriptional and protein level [2].
  • In the case of cdc 17 the defect is in the ligation of Okazaki fragments. cdc 23 is required for bulk DNA synthesis, whilst cdc 21 may possibly be required for the initiation of a particular sub-set of replicons [3].
  • These have been characterised physiologically, and 6 of the genes (cdc 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24) were found to be required for DNA replication, 2 for mitosis (cdc 27, 28), and 2 (cdc 18, 19), could not be unambiguously assigned to either DNA replication or mitosis but were definitely required for one or the other [3].


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