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Gene Review

ABCB5  -  ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ABCB5 P-gp, ABCB5alpha, ABCB5beta, ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 5, EST422562, ...
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Disease relevance of ABCB5


High impact information on ABCB5

  • We found that ABCB5 blockade significantly reversed resistance of G3361 melanoma cells to doxorubicin, an agent to which clinical melanomas have been found refractory, resulting in a 43% reduction in the LD50 from 4 to 2.3 micromol/L doxorubicin (P < 0.05) [1].
  • Our results identified ABCB5-mediated doxorubicin efflux transport as the underlying mechanism of resistance, because ABCB5 blockade significantly enhanced intracellular drug accumulation [1].
  • Moreover, our findings show that ABCB5 is a novel molecular marker for a distinct subset of chemoresistant, stem cell phenotype-expressing tumor cells among melanoma bulk populations and indicate that these chemoresistant cells can be specifically targeted via ABCB5 to enhance cytotoxic efficacy [1].
  • Consistent with this novel ABCB5 function and mechanism in doxorubicin resistance, gene expression levels of the transporter across a panel of human cancer cell lines used by the National Cancer Institute for drug screening correlated significantly with tumor resistance to doxorubicin (r = 0.44; P = 0.016) [1].
  • Here, we have cloned ABCB5, a rhodamine efflux transporter and novel member of the human P-glycoprotein family, which marks CD133-expressing progenitor cells among human epidermal melanocytes and determines as a regulator of membrane potential the propensity of this subpopulation to undergo cell fusion [2].

Chemical compound and disease context of ABCB5


Biological context of ABCB5

  • Thus, our findings define a molecular mechanism for cell fusion involving progenitor cells and show that fusion and resultant growth and differentiation are not merely spontaneous events, but phenomena regulated by ABCB5 P-glycoprotein [2].
  • Our findings show that polyploid ABCB5+ cells are generated by cell fusion and that this process is specifically enhanced by ABCB5 P-glycoprotein blockade [2].

Other interactions of ABCB5


  1. ABCB5-mediated doxorubicin transport and chemoresistance in human malignant melanoma. Frank, N.Y., Margaryan, A., Huang, Y., Schatton, T., Waaga-Gasser, A.M., Gasser, M., Sayegh, M.H., Sadee, W., Frank, M.H. Cancer Res. (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Regulation of progenitor cell fusion by ABCB5 P-glycoprotein, a novel human ATP-binding cassette transporter. Frank, N.Y., Pendse, S.S., Lapchak, P.H., Margaryan, A., Shlain, D., Doeing, C., Sayegh, M.H., Frank, M.H. J. Biol. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
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