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Gene Review

phyl  -  phyllopod

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG10108, D(DmcycE[JP])2.2, Dmel\CG10108, PHYL, Phyl, ...
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High impact information on phyl

  • PHYL acts to down-regulate TTK88, a transcriptional repressor of neuronal cell fates, by a SINA-dependent mechanism [1].
  • Loss of either gene causes accumulation of TTK in photoreceptor cells, and TTK does not accumulate in cone cells if both PHYL and SINA are present [2].
  • Our results suggest a model in which activation of the Sevenless receptor tyrosine kinase induces PHYL expression, which then acts with SINA to target the transcriptional repressor TTK88 for degradation, thereby promoting R7 cell fate specification [1].
  • Phyllopod (PHYL) acts to antagonize this repression by a mechanism that requires Seven In Absentia (SINA) and is associated with decreased TTK88 protein levels, but not reduced ttk88 gene transcription or mRNA stability [1].
  • Forced expression of phyl rescues ES organ formation in ac and sc double mutants. phyl and senseless, encoding a Zn-finger transcriptional factor, depend on each other in ES organ development [3].

Biological context of phyl

  • At a later stage of es organ development, phyl mutations cause the first cell division of the SOP lineage to generate two identical daughters, leading to the fate transformation of neurons and sheath cells to hair cells and socket cells [4].
  • Whereas genes such as phyllopod play a crucial role during specification of particular muscles, others such as tartan are necessary for normal muscle morphogenesis [5].

Anatomical context of phyl

  • Within this group of cells, phyl expression thus mimics activation of the Raf pathway in its ability to induce photoreceptor rather than cone cell development [6].

Regulatory relationships of phyl

  • Expression of phyl is directly activated by Ac and Sc [3].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of phyl

  • We report that SINA and PHYL promote ubiquitination and rapid degradation of TTK by the proteasome pathway in cell culture, and both SINA and PHYL bind to the N-terminal domain of TTK [2].


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