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Gene Review

lack  -  lethal with a checkpoint kinase

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG4943, D-smurf, DSmurf, Dmel\CG4943, Dsmurf, ...
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High impact information on lack

  • Finally, we show that eIF4A acts synergistically with, but independently of, the ubiquitin ligase DSmurf, indicating that a dual system controls SMAD degradation [1].
  • We conclude that dSmurf specifically targets phosphorylated MAD to proteasome-dependent degradation and regulates DPP signaling during development [2].
  • Silencing of dSmurf using RNA interference stabilized MAD protein in Drosophila S2 cells [2].
  • Smurf1: a link between cell polarity and ubiquitination [3].
  • The DSmurf ubiquitin-protein ligase restricts BMP signaling spatially and temporally during Drosophila embryogenesis [4].

Biological context of lack


Other interactions of lack

  • dSmurf selectively degrades decapentaplegic-activated MAD, and its overexpression disrupts imaginal disc development [2].


  1. A novel function of Drosophila eIF4A as a negative regulator of Dpp/BMP signalling that mediates SMAD degradation. Li, J., Li, W.X. Nat. Cell Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. dSmurf selectively degrades decapentaplegic-activated MAD, and its overexpression disrupts imaginal disc development. Liang, Y.Y., Lin, X., Liang, M., Brunicardi, F.C., ten Dijke, P., Chen, Z., Choi, K.W., Feng, X.H. J. Biol. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Smurf1: a link between cell polarity and ubiquitination. Zhang, Y., Wang, H.R., Wrana, J.L. Cell Cycle (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. The DSmurf ubiquitin-protein ligase restricts BMP signaling spatially and temporally during Drosophila embryogenesis. Podos, S.D., Hanson, K.K., Wang, Y.C., Ferguson, E.L. Dev. Cell (2001) [Pubmed]
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