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Gene Review

KALP  -  Kallmann syndrome sequence pseudogene

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ADMLY, KAL-Y
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Disease relevance of KALP


High impact information on KALP

  • The KALP locus reveals several large deletions and a number of small insertions, deletions and base substitutions which indicate it is a non-processed pseudogene [1].
  • It was found that tryptophan-flanked (WALP) peptides and lysine-flanked (KALP) peptides both promote formation of nonlamellar phases in these lipid systems in a mismatch-dependent manner [2].
  • Strikingly, the effective length of KALP peptides in the lipid systems investigated here is much smaller than that previously found for the same peptides in phosphatidylcholine [2].
  • The results show that both the WALP and the KALP peptides tend to favor the liquid-crystalline (or fluid) phase of the system; i.e., they tend to depress the main-transition temperature, T(m), of pure DPPC [3].

Associations of KALP with chemical compounds

  • This suggestion was supported by using peptides with shortened lysine side chains and by investigating the effects of mixtures of WALP and KALP peptides [2].
  • The chosen peptides, WALP and KALP, consist of a hydrophobic stretch, of variable length, of alternating leucine and alanine residues, flanked on both ends with tryptophan and lysine residues, respectively [3].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KALP

  • PCR showed the breakpoint between SY182 (KALY) and SY121 in Yq11.221-q11.222 region in all the cases [4].


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