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Gene Review

emx1  -  empty spiracles homeobox 1

Danio rerio

Synonyms: Empty spiracles homolog 1, Empty spiracles-like protein 1, Homeobox protein EMX1, SO:0000704
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High impact information on emx1

  • Overexpression of gsk3beta mRNA rescued eyes and the wild-type fgf8 expression of homozygous mbl embryos. emx1 that delineates the telencephalon is expanded and shifted ventroanteriorly in mbl embryos [1].
  • However, in contrast to emx1, FoxP2 is not expressed in the pineal gland or in the pronephric duct [2].
  • In the mesoderm, emx1 expression is gradually concentrated in the posterior pronephric duct during somitogenesis, and becomes expressed predominantly in the urogenital opening at 25 hpf [3].
  • Developmental expression of zebrafish emx1 during early embryogenesis [3].
  • The expression of emx1 is first detected around the 10-somite stage in the pineal gland (epiphysis) primodium in the developing anterior brain and in the pronephric primodium within the intermediate mesoderm. emx1 expression in the epiphysis has not been reported in other species [3].


  1. Ectopic Wnt signal determines the eyeless phenotype of zebrafish masterblind mutant. van de Water, S., van de Wetering, M., Joore, J., Esseling, J., Bink, R., Clevers, H., Zivkovic, D. Development (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. Expression of FoxP2 during zebrafish development and in the adult brain. Shah, R., Medina-Martinez, O., Chu, L.F., Samaco, R.C., Jamrich, M. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Developmental expression of zebrafish emx1 during early embryogenesis. Kawahara, A., Dawid, I.B. Gene Expr. Patterns (2002) [Pubmed]
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