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Gene Review

ur  -  urogenital

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of ur


High impact information on ur

  • Almost 1% of human infants are born with urogenital abnormalities, many of which are linked to irregular connections between the distal ureters and the bladder [2].
  • During embryogenesis, Sox9 is expressed in all cartilage primordia and cartilages, coincident with the expression of the collagen alpha1(II) gene (Col2a1) . Sox9 is also expressed in other tissues, including the central nervous and urogenital systems [6].
  • The Wilms' tumour suppressor gene 1 (WT1) (1,2) encodes four C2H2 zinc finger-containing proteins (3) critical for normal mammalian urogenital development (4) [7].
  • The linear transcript was not detected in any other fetal tissue nor in any adult tissue tested, and was expressed only in the genital ridge portion of the urogenital ridge [8].
  • In humans, germline mutations of the WT-1 tumor suppressor gene are associated with both Wilms' tumors and urogenital malformations [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of ur


Biological context of ur


Anatomical context of ur


Associations of ur with chemical compounds

  • Immunohistochemistry analysis of murine prostate development demonstrated epithelial expression of CSF-1R during the protrusion of prostatic buds from the urogenital sinus, during the prepubertal and androgen-driven proliferative expansion and branching of the gland, with a decline in older animals [24].
  • Adenosis occurred in transplanted C57BL and BALB/c mice Müllerian-derived reproductive tract regions, cervix, and/or fornix (FX), and middle vagina but never in the urogenital sinus-derived portion of the vagina, after a 1-mo exposure to endogenous ovarian hormones or exogenous estradiol (E2) [25].
  • BPH-1 cells were induced to form tumors either by recombination with human prostatic carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) or by exposure to carcinogenic doses of testosterone and estradiol (T+E2) after recombination with rat urogenital sinus mesenchyme [26].
  • Of the urogenital tumors induced by arsenic plus diethylstilbestrol, 80% were malignant, and 55% were multiple site [27].
  • As such, the tumor line will serve as a useful model for studying sex steroid-responsive cells of the urogenital epithelium [28].

Physical interactions of ur


Regulatory relationships of ur

  • BMP7 is expressed in the periurethral urogenital mesenchyme prior to formation of the prostate buds and, subsequently, in the prostate epithelium [30].
  • At later stages, Lbx2 transcripts are expressed in the brain and organs derived from the urogenital ridge, including the gonadal tubercle, kidneys, and adrenal glands [31].
  • At the onset of ductal morphogenesis in the developing prostate, Shh expression condenses at evaginations of urogenital sinus epithelium and activates Gli transcription factors in the adjacent mesenchyme [32].
  • At the same time, Emx2 is expressed in the epithelial components of the developing urogenital system and, in Emx2 mutant mice, the kidneys, ureters, gonads and genital tracts were completely missing [33].
  • The Bmp4 gene was most highly expressed in the male urogenital sinus from embryonic day 14 through birth, a period marked by formation of main prostatic ducts and initiation of ductal branching [34].

Other interactions of ur

  • Here we show that transcripts of the LIM homeobox gene Lhx9 are present in urogenital ridges of mice at embryonic day 9.5; later they localize to the interstitial region as morphological differentiation occurs [19].
  • The gonads of Pod1 knockout (KO) mice were markedly hypoplastic, and the urogenital tracts of both XX and XY mice remained indistinguishable throughout embryogenesis [35].
  • PPARgamma and PBP expression overlapped in the brown fat and urogenital sinus at stage E15.5 of embryogenesis, whereas SRC-1 expression occurred mostly in neuroepithelium and cartilage between stages E9.5 and E13.5 of embryogenesis [36].
  • Nonetheless, the chemical inhibitor of Shh signaling, cyclopamine, produced a graded inhibition of Gli gene expression (Gli1>Gli2>Gli3) in urogenital sinus explants that was paralleled by a severe inhibition of ductal budding [37].
  • The addition of Gdnf protein to urogenital tracts taken from Gdf11 null embryos induced ectopic ureteric bud formation along the Wolffian duct [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ur


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