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Gene Review

celA  -  PTS system N,N'-diacetylchitobiose...

Escherichia coli UTI89

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Disease relevance of celA


High impact information on celA

  • 1.5 kb and 1.2 kb fragments containing the celA and celB genes, respectively, were subcloned and sequenced [3].
  • The presence of an adjacent open reading frame downstream from the full celA gene, or the absence of a putative lipoprotein signal sequence, confined CelA distribution to the periplasm and membrane, or to the cytoplasm and periplasm, respectively [2].
  • DNA sequence analysis of celA revealed an intronless gene encoding a typical signal sequence, an N-terminal catalytic domain, two repeated regions linked by a short Ser/Thr-rich linker and a domain of unknown function [4].
  • Primer extension analysis of these RNAs revealed different transcription initiation sites for the celA gene when cells were grown with cellulose or cellobiose as the carbon source [1].
  • This plasmid encoded an endoglucanase (celA) and part of a putative beta-glucosidase (celB), both of which were distinctly different from all previously reported homologues [5].

Biological context of celA

  • N-terminal amino acid sequence determination revealed that pCM64 encoded the full-length celA gene, including a signal sequence, while pCM4 carried a 5'-truncated celA gene expressed as an N-terminal fusion protein, CelA delta N', without a signal sequence [6].


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