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Gene Review

scw  -  screw

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: BcDNA:LD30945, CG31695, Dmel\CG31695, Protein screw, SCW, ...
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High impact information on scw

  • We propose that the use of broadly distributed Dpp homodimers and spatially restricted Dpp/Scw heterodimers produces the biphasic signal that is responsible for specifying the two dorsal tissue types [1].
  • Facilitated transport of a Dpp/Scw heterodimer by Sog/Tsg leads to robust patterning of the Drosophila blastoderm embryo [1].
  • Although scw is expressed uniformly during blastoderm stages, its effect on development appears graded and is restricted to the dorsal side of the embryo [2].
  • From this stage onward, activation by Scw is no longer required, and Dpp suffices to induce high levels of pMad [3].
  • This demonstrates that Mad phosphorylation requires simultaneous activation by Scw and Dpp [3].

Biological context of scw

  • These studies suggest that the Dpp/Scw activity gradient directly specifies at least three distinct thresholds of gene expression in the dorsal ectoderm of gastrulating embryos [4].
  • Direct visualisation in the Drosophila embryo of Sog, a Dpp/Scw inhibitor, has now revealed a graded distribution established by degradation and endocytosis [5].
  • This prevents Dpp/Screw from initiating a signal transduction event in the receiving cell [6].

Regulatory relationships of scw

  • It appears that a major function of dCBP in the embryo is to regulate upstream components of the Dpp/Screw pathway by Smad-independent mechanisms, as well as acting as a Smad coactivator on downstream target genes [6].

Other interactions of scw

  • Drosophila Tbx6-related gene, Dorsocross, mediates high levels of Dpp and Scw signal required for the development of amnioserosa and wing disc primordium [7].
  • Smad proteins, the intracellular transducers of the signal, fail to become activated by phosphorylation in dCBP mutants, leading to diminished Dpp/Screw-target gene expression [6].
  • We further show that Screw, a second BMP2/4-related gene product, Tolloid, a BMP1-related protein, and the zinc finger-containing protein Schnurri, are required to allow full levels of tinman induction during this process [8].


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