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BP16  -  Blood pressure QTL 16

Homo sapiens

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Disease relevance of BP16


High impact information on BP16

  • One of these clones (BP-16), displaying maximal PTH responsiveness, was chosen for more detailed evaluation [2].
  • However, only [Ile5]PTHrP-(1-34), and not [His5]PTH-(1-34), binds to and stimulates cAMP accumulation and the release of cytosolic free calcium in HEK293/BP-16, a clonal human embryonic kidney cell line stably expressing the recombinant hPTH2 receptor [3].
  • Antigenic characterization and genotype analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that they were reassortants with novel antigenic compositions, i.e. serotype 1-subgroup I (C116) and serotype 2-subgroup II (C15) [4].
  • Blood pressure decreased more slowly and more enduringly after atenolol, although the extent of fall was the same (delta BP 5 h after first dose nifedipine = 67/41 mm Hg; delta BP 16 h after atenolol = 64/40 mm Hg) [5].


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  2. The human PTH2 receptor: binding and signal transduction properties of the stably expressed recombinant receptor. Behar, V., Pines, M., Nakamoto, C., Greenberg, Z., Bisello, A., Stueckle, S.M., Bessalle, R., Usdin, T.B., Chorev, M., Rosenblatt, M., Suva, L.J. Endocrinology (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. Histidine at position 5 is the specificity "switch" between two parathyroid hormone receptor subtypes. Behar, V., Nakamoto, C., Greenberg, Z., Bisello, A., Suva, L.J., Rosenblatt, M., Chorev, M. Endocrinology (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Genetic reassortment between two human rotaviruses having different serotype and subgroup specificities. Urasawa, S., Urasawa, T., Taniguchi, K. J. Gen. Virol. (1986) [Pubmed]
  5. Slow release nifedipine and atenolol as initial treatment in blacks with malignant hypertension. Isles, C.G., Johnson, A.O., Milne, F.J. British journal of clinical pharmacology. (1986) [Pubmed]
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