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Gene Review

PF11_0162  -  falcipain-3

Plasmodium falciparum 3D7

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Disease relevance of PF11_0162

  • Falstatin, expressed in Escherichia coli, was a potent reversible inhibitor of the P. falciparum cysteine proteases falcipain-2 and falcipain-3, as well as other parasite- and nonparasite-derived cysteine proteases, but it was a relatively weak inhibitor of the P. falciparum cysteine proteases falcipain-1 and dipeptidyl aminopeptidase 1 [1].

High impact information on PF11_0162

  • Falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 are food vacuole hemoglobinases that may have additional functions [2].
  • Compared with the parental strain, resistant parasites showed no changes in multiplication rates, but elevations in cysteine protease activity, falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 copy numbers, transcription of falcipain genes, and levels of these target proteases in trophozoites [3].
  • Resistant parasites grown in the absence of the vinyl sulfone for 12 weeks showed partial reversion, with increased inhibitor sensitivity and apparent decreases in copy numbers of falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 [3].
  • Optimized compounds inhibited falcipain-2 and falcipain-3, blocked hemoglobin hydrolysis, and prevented the development of P. falciparum at nanomolar concentrations [4].
  • We now report the structure-activity relationships for inhibition of falcipain-2, falcipain-3, and parasite development by 39 new vinyl sulfone, vinyl sulfonate ester, and vinyl sulfonamide cysteine protease inhibitors [5].

Biological context of PF11_0162

  • The vivapain-2 and vivapain-3 genes predicted papain-family cysteine proteases, which shared a number of unusual features with falcipain-2 and falcipain-3, including large prodomains and short N-terminal extensions on the catalytic domain [6].

Anatomical context of PF11_0162


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PF11_0162

  • Immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled proteins indicated that falcipain-2 was synthesized through the trophozoite stage, falcipain-3 appeared in late trophozoites/early schizonts, and both proteases persisted for at least 6 h after synthesis [8].
  • Among promising new targets for antimalarial chemotherapy are the cysteine protease hemoglobinases falcipain-2 and falcipain-3 [4].


  1. Falstatin, a Cysteine Protease Inhibitor of Plasmodium falciparum, Facilitates Erythrocyte Invasion. Pandey, K.C., Singh, N., Arastu-Kapur, S., Bogyo, M., Rosenthal, P.J. PLoS Pathog. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Plasmodium falciparum cysteine protease falcipain-1 is not essential in erythrocytic stage malaria parasites. Sijwali, P.S., Kato, K., Seydel, K.B., Gut, J., Lehman, J., Klemba, M., Goldberg, D.E., Miller, L.H., Rosenthal, P.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Selection of cysteine protease inhibitor-resistant malaria parasites is accompanied by amplification of falcipain genes and alteration in inhibitor transport. Singh, A., Rosenthal, P.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. Antimalarial activities of novel synthetic cysteine protease inhibitors. Lee, B.J., Singh, A., Chiang, P., Kemp, S.J., Goldman, E.A., Weinhouse, M.I., Vlasuk, G.P., Rosenthal, P.J. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. Structure-activity relationships for inhibition of cysteine protease activity and development of Plasmodium falciparum by peptidyl vinyl sulfones. Shenai, B.R., Lee, B.J., Alvarez-Hernandez, A., Chong, P.Y., Emal, C.D., Neitz, R.J., Roush, W.R., Rosenthal, P.J. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2003) [Pubmed]
  6. Identification and biochemical characterization of vivapains, cysteine proteases of the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax. Na, B.K., Shenai, B.R., Sijwali, P.S., Choe, Y., Pandey, K.C., Singh, A., Craik, C.S., Rosenthal, P.J. Biochem. J. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Cysteine proteases of malaria parasites. Rosenthal, P.J. Int. J. Parasitol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. Biosynthesis, localization, and processing of falcipain cysteine proteases of Plasmodium falciparum. Dahl, E.L., Rosenthal, P.J. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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