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Gene Review

NRPB2  -  DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB2

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: EMB1989, EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 1989, F17L22.170, F17L22_170, RPB2
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High impact information on NRPB2

  • In terms of support, RPB2 gives the highest jackknife support per sequenced nucleotide, whereas ndhF gives the highest Bremer support per sequenced nucleotide [1].
  • Two different copies were found by using different PCR primer pairs targeting a region that corresponds to exons 22-24 in the Arabidopsis RPB2 gene [1].
  • In contrast to the plastid genes, parsimony-informative third codon positions of RPB2 have a significantly higher rate of change than first and second positions [1].
  • The substitution patterns, relative rates of change, and nucleotide compositions of the two paralogous RPB2 exon regions are similar, and none of them shows any signs of being a pseudogene [1].


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