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Gene Review

POLR2B  -  polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed)...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: DNA-directed RNA polymerase II 140 kDa polypeptide, DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit B, DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB2, POL2RB, RNA polymerase II subunit 2, ...
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High impact information on POLR2B

  • In this study, we demonstrate that two of the subunits, hRPB2 and hRPB10alpha, mediate the regulated stimulation of transcription [1].
  • Excess purified Pol II subunits hRPB2 or hRPB10alpha blocked BRCA1- and VP16-dependent transcriptional activation in vitro with minimal effect on basal transcription [1].
  • In this study, a classification of the genus was constructed based on DNA sequence data of three nuclear protein-coding genes (RPB2, G3PDH, and HSP60) and compared with the traditional classification [2].
  • Rpb2 exons and introns together are suitable for phylogenetic analysis, producing well-resolved and well-supported results that were robust to model permutation and congruent with previous studies of subfamily Malvoideae using cpDNA characters [3].
  • The pattern of relationships among rpb2 sequences, coupled with chromosome number information and Southern hybridization data, suggests that an early polyploid event was not the cause of the duplication, despite independent evidence of paleopolyploidy in some members of Malvoideae [3].

Biological context of POLR2B

  • Because Rpb2 residue E791 appears to be located too far from the NTP-Mg(B) complex to make direct contact at either the entry (E) or addition (A) site, we propose alternative mechanisms by which this highly conserved residue participates in loading NTP-Mg(B) in the active site during transcription [4].
  • The combined analyses of ITS and variable regions of RPB1 and RPB2 greatly increase the resolution and nodal support for phylogenies of these closely related species belonging to clades that until now have proven very difficult to resolve with the ribosomal markers, nLSU and ITS [5].
  • Improving phylogenetic inference of mushrooms with RPB1 and RPB2 nucleotide sequences (Inocybe; Agaricales) [6].
  • One probable pseudogene was found in Radyera farragei and a single chimeric sequence was recovered from Howittia trilocularis, suggesting that the rpb2 locus is not as prone to evolutionary processes that can confound phylogenetic inferences based on nDNA sequences [3].
  • Paralogy and orthology in the MALVACEAE rpb2 gene family: investigation of gene duplication in hibiscus [3].

Anatomical context of POLR2B

  • The origin of the rare allotetraploid Silene aegaea was inferred from plastid rps16 intron sequences, homoeologous copies of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, and an intron from the nuclear gene coding for the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB2) [7].

Associations of POLR2B with chemical compounds


Other interactions of POLR2B

  • When bound to RNAP II, Mg(B) is coordinated by the beta and gamma phosphates of the NTP, Rpb1 residues D481 and D483 and Rpb2 residue D837 [4].


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