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Gene Review

PHO87  -  Pho87p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Inorganic phosphate transporter PHO87, YCR037C, YCR37C, YCR524
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High impact information on PHO87

  • Our work further revealed that mutations in the low affinity orthophosphate carrier genes (PHO87, PHO90, and PHO91) cause deregulation of phosphate-repressed genes [1].
  • Pho84 sustained both transport and rapid signalling, whereas Pho87 was poor in transport but positive for signalling [2].
  • The low-affinity system has recently been shown to be composed of Pho87p, Pho90p, and Pho91p [3].
  • Two new genes, PHO86 and PHO87, involved in inorganic phosphate uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [4].

Biological context of PHO87

  • The PHO87 gene was found to be identical with YCR524, according to the published nucleotide sequence of chromosome III, which encodes a protein of 923 amino-acid residues with a highly charged N-terminal half followed by a C-terminal half consisting of 12 membrane-spanning segments as in Pho84p [4].
  • Disruption of PHO86 did not affect cell viability even in combination with the pho84 and/or pho87 disruptions [5].

Associations of PHO87 with chemical compounds

  • These results demonstrate that phosphate acts as a nutrient signal for activation of the protein kinase A pathway in yeast in a glucose-dependent way and they indicate that the Pho84 and Pho87 carriers act as specific phosphate sensors for rapid phosphate signalling [2].


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