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Gene Review

SAE3  -  Sae3p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Pachytene arrest protein SAE3, Sporulation in the absence of SPO11 protein 3, YHR079C-A
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High impact information on SAE3

  • A protein complex containing Mei5 and Sae3 promotes the assembly of the meiosis-specific RecA homolog Dmc1 [1].
  • The localization of Rad51 to chromosomes is not affected in either mei5 or sae3 [2].
  • Two new meiosis-specific genes, SAE1 and SAE3, have been identified in a screen for mutations that confer an intermediate block in meiotic prophase [3].
  • The phenotypes conferred by sae3-1 are similar to those conferred by mutation of the yeast RecA homologue DMC1, suggesting that SAE3 and DMC1 act at the same step(s) of chromosome metabolism [3].
  • SAE3 corresponds to a meiosis-specific RNA encoding an unusually short open reading frame of 50 codons [3].

Biological context of SAE3


Other interactions of SAE3

  • The budding yeast mei5 and sae3 proteins act together with dmc1 during meiotic recombination [2].
  • Taken together, these observations suggest that the Mei5 and Sae3 proteins are accessory factors specific to Dmc1 [2].


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