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Gene Review

aspS  -  aspartyl-tRNA synthetase

Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai

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Disease relevance of ECs2576

  • We have explored here the human mt-aspartate system in which a prokaryotic-type AspRS, highly similar to the Escherichia coli enzyme, recognizes a bizarre tRNA(Asp) [1].
  • Here, we report the first characterization of the ND-AspRS from the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori or Hp) [2].
  • The nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from Helicobacter pylori: anticodon-binding domain mutations that impact tRNA specificity and heterologous toxicity [2].

High impact information on ECs2576

  • These three latter aaRS share three new sequence motifs with AspRS, AsnRS, LysRS, HisRS and the beta subunit of PheRS [3].
  • Primary sequence- and 3D-based phylogeny shows that an archaeal AspRS ancestor originated AS-AR, which was subsequently transferred into bacteria by lateral gene transfer in which it underwent structural changes producing AS-A [4].
  • Replacing this glycine by an aspartate renders human mt-AspRS more discriminative to G73 [1].
  • The product of degradation, a modified aspartyl-adenylate containing an N-acylphosphoramidate linkage, strongly inhibits translation by blocking the function of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase [5].
  • This water-assisted asparagine recognition by the AsnRS strikingly contrasts with the fact that the aspartic acid recognition by the closely related aspartyl-tRNA synthetase is achieved exclusively through extensive interactions with protein amino acid residues [6].

Biological context of ECs2576

  • The mutated AspRS purified from an overproducing strain displayed marked temperature sensitivity, with half-life values of 22 and 68 min (at 42 degrees C), respectively, for tRNA aminoacylation and ATP/PPi exchange activities [7].

Associations of ECs2576 with chemical compounds

  • In other bacteria, particularly those that lack AsnRS, AspRS is nondiscriminating (ND-AspRS) and generates both Asp-tRNA(Asp) and the noncanonical, misacylated Asp-tRNA(Asn); this misacylated tRNA is subsequently repaired by the glutamine-dependent Asp-tRNA(Asn)/Glu-tRNA(Gln) amidotransferase (Asp/Glu-Adt) [2].


  1. Loss of a primordial identity element for a mammalian mitochondrial aminoacylation system. Fender, A., Sauter, C., Messmer, M., Pütz, J., Giegé, R., Florentz, C., Sissler, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. The nondiscriminating aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from Helicobacter pylori: anticodon-binding domain mutations that impact tRNA specificity and heterologous toxicity. Chuawong, P., Hendrickson, T.L. Biochemistry (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Partition of tRNA synthetases into two classes based on mutually exclusive sets of sequence motifs. Eriani, G., Delarue, M., Poch, O., Gangloff, J., Moras, D. Nature (1990) [Pubmed]
  4. When contemporary aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases invent their cognate amino acid metabolism. Roy, H., Becker, H.D., Reinbolt, J., Kern, D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase is the target of peptide nucleotide antibiotic Microcin C. Metlitskaya, A., Kazakov, T., Kommer, A., Pavlova, O., Praetorius-Ibba, M., Ibba, M., Krasheninnikov, I., Kolb, V., Khmel, I., Severinov, K. J. Biol. Chem. (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. Structural basis of the water-assisted asparagine recognition by asparaginyl-tRNA synthetase. Iwasaki, W., Sekine, S., Kuroishi, C., Kuramitsu, S., Shirouzu, M., Yokoyama, S. J. Mol. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. Characterization of a thermosensitive Escherichia coli aspartyl-tRNA synthetase mutant. Martin, F., Sharples, G.J., Lloyd, R.G., Eiler, S., Moras, D., Gangloff, J., Eriani, G. J. Bacteriol. (1997) [Pubmed]
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