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Gene Transfer, Horizontal

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Disease relevance of Gene Transfer, Horizontal

  • In addition, comparison of the sequence of the atpCAB genes of S. pneumoniae R6 (OptS) and M222 (an OptR strain produced by interspecies recombination between pneumococcus and S. oralis), and S. oralis revealed that, in M222, an interchange of atpC and atpA had occurred [1].
  • Collectively, these results suggest that sifA arose by horizontal gene transfer into Salmonella and its product is involved in a virulence-associated intracellular phenotype related to Salmonella-induced filament formation [2].
  • The phylogenetic tree is consistent with lateral gene transfer between Bacteria and Archaea. Using database mining with the ParM ATPase of plasmid R1, we identified a new par gene family from enteric bacteria [3].
  • These results, along with the uniform distribution of pairwise sequence divergences between the species at adk, suggest there has been a history of interspecies recombination within the adk gene of the human Neisseria species which has obscured the phylogenetic relationships between the species [4].
  • We suggest that the Arthrobacter sp. genes encoding the L27 ribosomal protein and the proteins responsible for the degradation of creatinine and sarcosine were acquired simultaneously through horizontal gene transfer from an unknown Bacillus species [5].

High impact information on Gene Transfer, Horizontal


Chemical compound and disease context of Gene Transfer, Horizontal


Biological context of Gene Transfer, Horizontal


Anatomical context of Gene Transfer, Horizontal


Associations of Gene Transfer, Horizontal with chemical compounds


Gene context of Gene Transfer, Horizontal

  • Our data suggest that bacterial GlnRS has a eukaryotic origin and was acquired by a mechanism of horizontal gene transfer [26].
  • Comparative phylogenetic analysis of the hemK gene and its frequent neighbor gene, prfA, which encodes a major substrate, provides evidence for several examples of lateral gene transfer [27].
  • The evolution of the translation machinery components containing the S4, PUA, and SUI1 domains must have included several events of lateral gene transfer and gene loss as well as lineage-specific domain fusions [28].
  • The interspecific recombination in mutS or mutL mutants is only approximately 10-fold lower than recombination in homospecific crosses as found after correction for the efficiency of mating and DNA transfer by zygotic induction experiments [29].
  • The interspecific recombination is dependent on the RecABCD pathway: it was abolished in a recA mutant and decreased approximately 10(3)-fold in a recC mutant [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gene Transfer, Horizontal

  • Sequence analysis showed that porA genes of genotypically distinct strains that express antigenically indistinguishable P1 proteins are identical only in the epitope-encoding region, suggesting that this region has spread through the meningococcal population via horizontal gene transfer [30].


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