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Transfer RNA Aminoacylation

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Disease relevance of Transfer RNA Aminoacylation


High impact information on Transfer RNA Aminoacylation

  • Kinetic analysis of heterodimers formed between variant enzymes with defective tyrosine activation or tRNA aminoacylation shows that a molecule of tRNATyr interacts with the N-terminal region of one subunit and the C-terminal region of the other subunit in the dimer [3].
  • These findings indicate that ProRS and LeuRS associate in M. thermautotrophicus and suggest that this interaction contributes to translational fidelity by enhancing tRNA aminoacylation by ProRS [4].
  • They behave as alpha2 dimers and display catalytic parameters in the tRNA aminoacylation reaction identical to those determined for the native, complex-associated form of aspartyl-tRNA synthetase isolated from rat liver [5].
  • However, three acceptor stem derivatives (tRNA(Trp)/C1.G72, tRNA(Trp)/C2.G71, and tRNA(Trp)/A3.U70) required overexpression for growth at 42 degrees C. Northern analysis of these derivatives following acid/urea gel electrophoresis showed no defects in tRNA aminoacylation at the nonpermissive temperature [6].
  • The purified glutamyl-tRNA synthetase was identified as the chloroplast enzyme by its tRNA charging specificity [7].

Biological context of Transfer RNA Aminoacylation


Anatomical context of Transfer RNA Aminoacylation


Associations of Transfer RNA Aminoacylation with chemical compounds


Gene context of Transfer RNA Aminoacylation


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  4. Association between Archaeal prolyl- and leucyl-tRNA synthetases enhances tRNA(Pro) aminoacylation. Praetorius-Ibba, M., Rogers, T.E., Samson, R., Kelman, Z., Ibba, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  8. Role of Arc1p in the modulation of yeast glutamyl-tRNA synthetase activity. Graindorge, J.S., Senger, B., Tritch, D., Simos, G., Fasiolo, F. Biochemistry (2005) [Pubmed]
  9. Major tyrosine identity determinants in Methanococcus jannaschii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNA(Tyr) are conserved but expressed differently. Fechter, P., Rudinger-Thirion, J., Tukalo, M., Giegé, R. Eur. J. Biochem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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  14. Deletion analysis in the amino-terminal extension of methionyl-tRNA synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows that a small region is important for the activity and stability of the enzyme. Walter, P., Weygand-Durasevic, I., Sanni, A., Ebel, J.P., Fasiolo, F. J. Biol. Chem. (1989) [Pubmed]
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  22. The peptide bond between E292-A293 of Escherichia coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase is essential for its activity. Li, T., Guo, N., Xia, X., Wang, E.D., Wang, Y.L. Biochemistry (1999) [Pubmed]
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