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Gene Review

nrfG  -  heme lyase (NrfEFG) for insertion of heme...

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK4069, JW4037, aidC, yjcN
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Disease relevance of nrfG


High impact information on nrfG

  • Further, while all nitrosoureas caused expression of aidC, mechlorethamine and cis-DDP did not [2].
  • The transposon Tn5 ble gene and the Escherichia coli alkylation-inducible aidC locus are co-operatively involved in the resistance to the anti-cancer drug and DNA-cleaving agent bleomycin and enhance fitness of bacteria in the absence of the drug [3].
  • In this report, we demonstrate that the aidC locus is identical to nrfG, the last gene of the nrf operon involved in the periplasmic formate-dependent nitrite reduction [3].
  • We find that the Ble protein induces expression of an alkylation inducible gene, aidC, and that both the AidC gene product and DNA polymerase I are required for Ble to confer bleomycin resistance [4].
  • Moreover, since aidC is induced only by MNNG and aidI is induced only by MMS, these two genes are likely to be individually regulated [5].

Associations of nrfG with chemical compounds

  • Further, expression of aidC after exposure to MNU and MNNG occurs only in nonaerated cultures; aeration blocks the induction [6].


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