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Gene Review

melR  -  melibiose operon transcriptional...

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK4111, JW4079
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Disease relevance of melR

  • The Escherichia coli melR gene encodes MelR protein which is a member of the AraC/XylS family of bacterial transcription activators [1].

High impact information on melR

  • The function of MelR was investigated by making a targeted deletion in the melR gene of the Escherichia coli chromosome [1].
  • By altering the helical phasing between a CRP binding site and the E. coli melR promoter we have mapped a DNA sequence-directed bend in the downstream region of the promoter [2].
  • We have transferred a number of cassette FNR-binding sequences from the nirB promoter to the unrelated melR promoter [3].
  • The insertion of FNR-binding sequences at the melR promoter is sufficient to confer fnr-dependency on expression [3].
  • Supporting evidence for this is provided by the isolation of substitutions in MelR that block melibiose-dependent activation of the melAB promoter while not changing melibiose-independent repression of the melR promoter [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of melR


Biological context of melR

  • The nucleotide sequence covering the divergent promoters and the melR gene is reported [5].
  • Crude extracts, made from Escherichia coli cells carrying a plasmid in which the melR gene was expressed from the galP2 promoter, were used as a source of MelR protein [6].
  • Expression of the melR gene is required for melibiose-dependent stimulation of transcription initiation at the promoter of the melAB operon [7].
  • We have constructed a series of artificial FNR-dependent promoters, based on the melR promoter, in which a consensus FNR binding site was centered at position -41.5 relative to the transcription start site [8].

Associations of melR with chemical compounds

  • One promoter is responsible for the expression of the melR gene, that is essential for melibiose-dependent stimulation of the second promoter [5].

Other interactions of melR


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of melR


  1. DNA binding and DNA bending by the MelR transcription activator protein from Escherichia coli. Bourgerie, S.J., Michán, C.M., Thomas, M.S., Busby, S.J., Hyde, E.I. Nucleic Acids Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
  2. A comparison of the DNA bending activities of the DNA binding proteins CRP and TFIID. Gaston, K., Bell, A., Busby, S., Fried, M. Nucleic Acids Res. (1992) [Pubmed]
  3. Molecular genetic analysis of an FNR-dependent anaerobically inducible Escherichia coli promoter. Bell, A.I., Cole, J.A., Busby, S.J. Mol. Microbiol. (1990) [Pubmed]
  4. Mutational analysis of the Escherichia coli melR gene suggests a two-state concerted model to explain transcriptional activation and repression in the melibiose operon. Kahramanoglou, C., Webster, C.L., El-Robh, M.S., Belyaeva, T.A., Busby, S.J. J. Bacteriol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. Organisation of the regulatory region of the Escherichia coli melibiose operon. Webster, C., Kempsell, K., Booth, I., Busby, S. Gene (1987) [Pubmed]
  6. The Escherichia coli melR gene encodes a DNA-binding protein with affinity for specific sequences located in the melibiose-operon regulatory region. Webster, C., Gardner, L., Busby, S. Gene (1989) [Pubmed]
  7. Transcription from the Escherichia coli melR promoter is dependent on the cyclic AMP receptor protein. Webster, C., Gaston, K., Busby, S. Gene (1988) [Pubmed]
  8. Transcription regulation by tandem-bound FNR at Escherichia coli promoters. Barnard, A.M., Green, J., Busby, S.J. J. Bacteriol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  9. Fine-tuned regulation by oxygen and nitric oxide of the activity of a semi-synthetic FNR-dependent promoter and expression of denitrification enzymes in Paracoccus denitrificans. Mazoch, J., Kunák, M., Kucera, I., Van Spanning, R.J. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (2003) [Pubmed]
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