MeSH Review:
Homing Behavior
- Interaction of stem cell factor and its receptor c-kit mediates lodgment and acute expansion of hematopoietic cells in the murine spleen. Broudy, V.C., Lin, N.L., Priestley, G.V., Nocka, K., Wolf, N.S. Blood (1996)
- Transforming growth factor-beta 1-induced expression of the mucosa-related integrin alpha E on lymphocytes is not associated with mucosa-specific homing. Austrup, F., Rebstock, S., Kilshaw, P.J., Hamann, A. Eur. J. Immunol. (1995)
- The consequences of crowned eagle central-place foraging on predation risk in monkeys. Shultz, S., Noë, R. Proc. Biol. Sci. (2002)
- Effects of captivity and testosterone on the volumes of four brain regions in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis). Smulders, T.V., Casto, J.M., Nolan, V., Ketterson, E.D., DeVoogd, T.J. J. Neurobiol. (2000)
- Space-use strategy is an important determinant of PCB concentrations in female polar bears in the Barents Sea. Olsen, G.H., Mauritzen, M., Derocher, A.E., Sørmo, E.G., Skaare, J.U., Wiig, O., Jenssen, B.M. Environ. Sci. Technol. (2003)
- Effects of corticosterone on activity and home-range size of free-ranging male lizards. DeNardo, D.F., Sinervo, B. Hormones and behavior. (1994)
- Effects of steroid hormone interaction on activity and home-range size of male lizards. DeNardo, D.F., Sinervo, B. Hormones and behavior. (1994)
- Differential effects of prenatal protein malnutrition and prenatal cocaine on a test of homing behavior in rat pups. Tonkiss, J., Harrison, R.H., Galler, J.R. Physiol. Behav. (1996)
- Normal homing behavior in infant rats despite extensive olfactory bulb granule cell losses. Yanai, J., Rosselli-Austin, L. Behavioral biology. (1978)
- Population and movement characteristics of radio-collared striped skunks in North Dakota during an epizootic of rabies. Greenwood, R.J., Newton, W.E., Pearson, G.L., Schamber, G.J. J. Wildl. Dis. (1997)