MeSH Review:
Distemper Virus, Phocine
- The nucleotide sequence and deduced amino acid composition of the haemagglutinin and fusion proteins of the morbillivirus phocid distemper virus. Kövamees, J., Blixenkrone-Möller, M., Sharma, B., Orvell, C., Norrby, E. J. Gen. Virol. (1991)
- Sequence analysis and editing of the phosphoprotein (P) gene of rinderpest virus. Yamanaka, M., Dale, B., Crisp, T., Cordell, B., Grubman, M., Yilma, T. Virology (1992)
- The genes encoding the phospho- and matrix proteins of phocine distemper virus. Curran, M.D., Rima, B.K. J. Gen. Virol. (1992)
- Demonstration of antibodies in archival sera from Canadian seals reactive with a European isolate of phocine distemper virus. Henderson, G., Trudgett, A., Lyons, C., Ronald, K. Sci. Total Environ. (1992)
- Detection of phocine distemper virus using the polymerase chain reaction. Haas, L., Barrett, T., Harder, T., Bostock, C.J. DTW. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr. (1990)