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Chemical Compound Review

AC1NUZA3     uranium

Synonyms: AC1L9N2H
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Disease relevance of uranium


Psychiatry related information on uranium

  • Wartime exposures implicated as possible causes of subsequent symptoms include oil well fire smoke, infectious diseases, vaccines, chemical and biological warfare agents, depleted uranium munitions and post-traumatic stress disorder [6].
  • The main effects of uranium on the sleep-wake cycle were an increase in rapid eye movement sleep (REM-sleep) and theta band power during the light period, as early as Day 30 after exposure commenced [7].
  • METHODS: The titer of 16/6 Id was determined by ELISA in sera of uranium miners exposed to heavy quartz dust: 15 developed definite and 12 probable SLE, 34 had clinical symptoms, and 27 had only serological signs (medium to high titer anti-dsDNA antibodies) of possible connective tissue disease (CTD) development [8].
  • Glomerular function was significantly better among the uranium workers than among the referents, though this may have been the result of differences in the physical activity of the groups during the collection period [9].
  • Hazard visibility and occupational health problem solving the case of the uranium industry [10].

High impact information on uranium

  • Lung cancer mortality among nonsmoking uranium miners exposed to radon daughters [11].
  • To estimate the risk of lung cancer mortality among nonsmokers exposed to varying levels of radon daughters, 516 white men who never smoked cigarettes, pipes, or cigars were selected from the US Public Health Service cohort of Colorado Plateau uranium miners and followed up from 1950 through 1984 [11].
  • Screening for putative radon-specific p53 mutation hotspot in German uranium miners [12].
  • This genome sequence represents a substantial step toward the elucidation of pathways for reduction (and bioremediation) of pollutants such as uranium and chromium and offers a new starting point for defining this organism's complex anaerobic respiration [13].
  • Mycelia of industrially steroid-transforming fungi Rhizopus and Absidia are excellent biosorbents for lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, and uranium, binding also other heavy metals up to 25% of the biomass dry weight [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of uranium


Biological context of uranium


Anatomical context of uranium

  • Epidemiologic evidence indicates that in addition to tobacco use other factors are causally related to the development of cancers of the oral cavity, lung and esophagus and that these factors (e.g., radon exposure in uranium miners who smoke) can act synergistically [24].
  • In thin sections of resting lymphocytes selectively stained for DNA, the extended non-nucleosomal chromatin was located in a solitary, large agglomerate which corresponds to the solitary, large fibrillar centre observed in uranium-lead-stained sections [25].
  • In vitro dissolution of uranium oxide by baboon alveolar macrophages [26].
  • The results of in vitro chemical and cellular tests were compared, with four main conclusions: a good reproducibility of the three tests in Eagle's basal medium the effect of hydration state on solubility, the classification of UO3 in terms of ICRP solubility criteria, and the ability of macrophages to decrease uranium solubility in medium [27].
  • The aim of this work was to assess the influence of uranium speciation on its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract by using both computer speciation modeling and direct measurement of the fractional absorption in vivo in rats after ingestion of five different samples of contaminated water [28].

Associations of uranium with other chemical compounds


Gene context of uranium


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of uranium


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