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Nursing, Supervisory

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High impact information on Nursing, Supervisory

  • INTERVENTION: Hospital pharmacy supervisors were surveyed about the available preparations of activated charcoal on their hospital's formulary, and ED charge nurses in these same hospitals were surveyed about the prevalence of sorbitol use in multiple-dose activated charcoal regimens [1].
  • In our population of midwestern patients in a major urban area, propofol use had modest advantages over methohexital when used as single agents as judged by first recovery charge nurses, but patients found them equally acceptable [2].
  • The prevalence of alcohol use disorders in hospital patients was studied in all the hospitals of one area of France. Alcohol disorders were diagnosed by the head nurse or a physician in the hospital where the patient was being attended, and by means of the CAGE self-questionnaire [3].
  • Mary Glover was a Head Nurse at St [4].
  • ANA/UAN defend charge nurses' right to organize [5].

Associations of Nursing, Supervisory with chemical compounds

  • Therefore the head nurse was instructed to supervise the intake of allopurinol carefully [6].
  • METHODS: Postal survey of charge nurses/unit nurse managers of all Australasian emergency departments accredited for specialist emergency physician training by the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine. RESULTS: The response rate was 89% [7].
  • Supervisory status of charge nurses: Supreme Court ends controversy [8].
  • The spate of correspondence and publicity, following the disciplining, and subsequent settlement in his favour, at an Industrial Tribunal, of Stockport Health Authority Charge Nurse Graham Pink, suggested that the urge to blow the whistle was at almost epidemic proportions in the NHS [9].

Gene context of Nursing, Supervisory


  1. Prevalence of sorbitol in multiple-dose activated charcoal regimens in emergency departments. Wax, P.M., Wang, R.Y., Hoffman, R.S., Mercurio, M., Howland, M.A., Goldfrank, L.R. Annals of emergency medicine. (1993) [Pubmed]
  2. A randomized comparison of propofol and methohexital as general anesthetics for vacuum abortion. Lichtenberg, E.S., Hill, L.J., Howe, M., Heber, W., Peipert, J.F. Contraception. (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Alcohol use disorders in French hospital patients. Reynaud, M., Leleu, X., Bernoux, A., Meyer, L., Lery, J.F., Ruch, C. Alcohol Alcohol. (1997) [Pubmed]
  4. Mary Glover Lecture 2004: leaving a legacy. Reimer, M. Axone (Dartmouth, N.S.) (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. ANA/UAN defend charge nurses' right to organize. Szczepanski, A. The Michigan nurse. (2003) [Pubmed]
  6. Disease-specific noncompliance with drug treatment as a cause of persistent hyperuricemia and gout in anorexia nervosa. Gröbner, W., Walter-Sack, I., de Vries, J.X. Eur. J. Med. Res. (1998) [Pubmed]
  7. Training for the role of triage in Australasia. Kelly, A.M., Richardson, D. Emergency medicine (Fremantle, W.A.) (2001) [Pubmed]
  8. Supervisory status of charge nurses: Supreme Court ends controversy. Sussman, M.L., Bryant, M.R. Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine. (1995) [Pubmed]
  9. Whistle while you work in the health-related professions? Vinten, G. Journal of the Royal Society of Health. (1994) [Pubmed]
  10. Evaluation and comparison of health care Work Environment Scale in military settings. Maloney, J.P., Anderson, F.D., Gladd, D.L., Brown, D.L., Hardy, M.A. Military medicine. (1996) [Pubmed]
  11. Head nurses' perceptions of their roles--Part I & Part II. Baxter, E. Canadian journal of nursing administration. (1993) [Pubmed]
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