MeSH Review:
Nursing, Supervisory
- Prevalence of sorbitol in multiple-dose activated charcoal regimens in emergency departments. Wax, P.M., Wang, R.Y., Hoffman, R.S., Mercurio, M., Howland, M.A., Goldfrank, L.R. Annals of emergency medicine. (1993)
- A randomized comparison of propofol and methohexital as general anesthetics for vacuum abortion. Lichtenberg, E.S., Hill, L.J., Howe, M., Heber, W., Peipert, J.F. Contraception. (2003)
- Alcohol use disorders in French hospital patients. Reynaud, M., Leleu, X., Bernoux, A., Meyer, L., Lery, J.F., Ruch, C. Alcohol Alcohol. (1997)
- Mary Glover Lecture 2004: leaving a legacy. Reimer, M. Axone (Dartmouth, N.S.) (2005)
- ANA/UAN defend charge nurses' right to organize. Szczepanski, A. The Michigan nurse. (2003)
- Disease-specific noncompliance with drug treatment as a cause of persistent hyperuricemia and gout in anorexia nervosa. Gröbner, W., Walter-Sack, I., de Vries, J.X. Eur. J. Med. Res. (1998)
- Training for the role of triage in Australasia. Kelly, A.M., Richardson, D. Emergency medicine (Fremantle, W.A.) (2001)
- Supervisory status of charge nurses: Supreme Court ends controversy. Sussman, M.L., Bryant, M.R. Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine. (1995)
- Whistle while you work in the health-related professions? Vinten, G. Journal of the Royal Society of Health. (1994)
- Evaluation and comparison of health care Work Environment Scale in military settings. Maloney, J.P., Anderson, F.D., Gladd, D.L., Brown, D.L., Hardy, M.A. Military medicine. (1996)
- Head nurses' perceptions of their roles--Part I & Part II. Baxter, E. Canadian journal of nursing administration. (1993)