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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Role of estrogen receptor ligand and estrogen response element sequence on interaction with chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor (COUP-TF).

Estrogen-responsive genes are regulated by altering the balance of estrogen receptor (ER) interaction with transcription activators and inhibitors. Here we examined the role of ER ligand on ER interaction with the Chicken Ovalbumin Upstream Promoter Transcription Factor (COUP-TF) orphan nuclear receptor. COUP-TF binding to half-site estrogen response elements (EREs) was increased by the addition of estradiol (E2) -liganded ER (E2-ER), but not by ER liganded with the antiestrogens 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT-ER) or tamoxifen aziridine (TAz-ER). ER did not bind to single half-sites. Conversely, COUP-TF enhanced the ERE binding of purified E2-ER, but did not affect TAz-ER-ERE binding. In contrast, only antiestrogens enhanced direct interaction between ER and COUP-TF as assessed by GST pull-down assays. Identical results were obtained using either purified bovine or recombinant human ERalpha. Co-immunoprecipitation assays showed that ER and COUP-TF interact in extracts from MCF-7 and ERalpha-transfected MDA-MB-231 cells. Here we document that ER ligand impacts COUP-TF-ER interaction. COUP-TF interaction is mediated by the DNA binding and ligand- binding domains of ER. We suggest that changes in ER conformation induced by DNA binding reduce ER-COUP-TF interaction. Transient transfection of human MCF-7 breast cancer cells with a COUP-TFI expression vector repressed E2-induced luciferase reporter gene expression from single or multiple tandem copies of a consensus ERE. COUP-TFI stimulated 4-OHT-induced luciferase activity from a minimal ERE. Alone, COUP-TFI increased transcription from ERE half-sites or a single ERE in a sequence-dependent manner. These data provide evidence that the ERE sequence and its immediate flanking regions influence whether COUP-TF enhances, inhibits, or has no effect on ER ligand- induced ERE reporter gene expression and that COUP-TFI activates gene transcription from ERE half-sites. We suggest that COUP-TFI plays a role in mitigating estrogen-responsive gene expression.[1]


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