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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A developmentally regulated GAGA box- binding factor and Sp1 are required for transcription of the hsp70.1 gene at the onset of mouse zygotic genome activation.

We have investigated the onset of zygotic genome transcription in early two-cell mouse embryos by analyzing the regulation of hsp70.1, one of the first genes expressed after fertilization. The transcriptional activation of both an episomic hsp70 promoter and the endogenous hsp70.1 gene requires the contiguity of the GC box proximal to the TATA box with a GAGA box and involves GC box- and GAGA box-binding factors. In vivo transcription factor titrations with double-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides and antibodies pinpoint these factors as Sp1 and a novel murine GAGA box-binding factor, which is structurally related to the Drosophila GAGA factor and acts as transcriptional coactivator/potentiator of Sp1. Mouse unfertilized eggs and one-cell and two-cell embryos display a GAGA box-binding activity of maternal origin that disappears at the four-cell stage and is also abundant in the gonads, but is barely detectable in other adult tissues. In light of the well-established nucleosome-disruption role of the Drosophila GAGA factor, these findings suggest a novel mechanism of enhancer-independent gene derepression in early mouse embryos.[1]


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