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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Downregulation of aquaporin-2 and -3 in aging kidney is independent of V(2) vasopressin receptor.

The mechanisms underlying age-related polyuria were investigated in 10- and 30-mo-old female WAG/Rij rats. Urinary volume and osmolality were 3.9 +/- 0.3 ml/24 h and 2,511 +/- 54 mosmol/kgH(2)O in adult rats and 12.8 +/- 0.8 ml/24 h and 1,042 +/- 44 mosmol/kgH(2)O in senescent animals. Vasopressin V(2) receptor mRNA did not significantly differ between 10 and 30 mo, and [(3)H]vasopressin binding sites in membrane papilla were reduced by 30%. The cAMP content of the papilla was unchanged with age, whereas papillary osmolality was significantly lowered in senescent animals. The expression of aquaporin-1 (AQP1) and -4 was mostly unaltered from 10 to 30 mo. In contrast, aquaporin-2 (AQP2) and -3 (AQP3) expression was downregulated by 80 and 50%, respectively, and AQP2 was markedly redistributed into the intracellular compartment, in inner medulla of senescent animals, but not in renal cortex. These results indicate that age-related polyuria is associated with a downregulation of AQP2 and AQP3 expression in the medullary collecting duct, which is independent of vasopressin-mediated cAMP accumulation.[1]


  1. Downregulation of aquaporin-2 and -3 in aging kidney is independent of V(2) vasopressin receptor. Preisser, L., Teillet, L., Aliotti, S., Gobin, R., Berthonaud, V., Chevalier, J., Corman, B., Verbavatz, J.M. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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